Treyone & the environment
We strongly believe in the cumulative power of actions undertaken by individuals and businesses to make a positive difference in our world. We incorporate ecological principles into designing, producing and delivering our kitchens.
Many of the raw materials we use are from natural and renewable sources. Our timbers come from sustainable forests, and we strive to dispose of waste products in as careful and environmentally friendly a way as possible.
We recycle our waste paper, cardboard, polystyrene, plastics and metal. Our timber offcuts, sawdust and shavings are converted into briquettes that fuel our bio-mass heater and keep our factory workshop warm during winter.
In 2018 we installed over 80 solar panels at our Liskeard head office, showroom and workshop, which are capable of generating 30,000kW of energy. This helps power our machinery and daily operations. We put what we don’t use back into the national grid.

We continually explore efficient and environmentally friendly ways to produce the best quality product possible.”